Founded on Jesus, Focused on His Word.
5875 Washington Ave. Export, PA 15632 | 724.327.4473 |
When you come worship with us.....
You will never be singled out, but welcomed as our guest!
Some dress up while others come casual. Our only request is that all will be modest and respectful.
You will find variety in our worship time; some old songs, some new, reflective times, multi-media, etc.)
Weekly communion is offered for followers of Jesus Christ. The communion bread and juice are simple, visual reminders of His sacrifice. We pass the trays and take each as a congregation.
We don't pass an offering plate. Instead we have a "little church box" in the back. Members are encouraged to give back to God as He has blessed them, while visitors are not expected to.
All of our messages are Bible-based, with relevant application to everyday life. Whether you bring your own Bible, use one of ours, or just listen to the sermon and look up the references later, no matter what we ALWAYS teach directly from the Bible.
During our morning worship service, we provide a children’s church for ages first through the sixth grade. We also have a preschool class, toddler class, and a nursery available at all services.
What To Expect